reviews about the online group

“I really loved doing this online course! Throughout the course I have not only improved mentally but physically. If I make a mistake in practice or a game, I now have the tools to recover from the error and continue to play my game. I can clearly identify what motivates me to be a better athlete. I really enjoyed learning and diving into mental strength and I feel like I got a lot out of the online course.”

Cam W. 15, baseball

“This was a course I looked forward to every week! I loved the way Chris explained what I thought was really intense and difficult topics but he did it in a way that made sense and was easy to utilize. Also I never realized how much mental training can help me be more effective during games. I have learned so much from this course! The week we talked about how to change our thinking was my absolute favorite week! That has stuck with me every day during practice! I loved this course! Thank you Chris!”

Ally M. 18, Soccer

“My favorite skills was the self-talk and motivation. Learning how to more effectively talk to myself and control the conversation in my head has been a game changer for me. I use at least one of the skills we learned in the course everyday. This course changed my life!”


“This was my first experience with mental coaching and I was a little nervous going into because I did not know what to expect, but I quickly learned how important the mental side of my game is. Most importantly I learned that the mental side of my game was really lacking and this course helped me to develop my mental game. I think the most impactful lesson was the visualization because it helps me get into the zone before a game and I now incorporate a visualization in my pre-game routine. I have seen a huge positive impact in my day to day life as well, its crazy how much I learned and I would highly recommend this course to any athlete looking to grow their mental game or to be introduced to it, either way it will help you be a better athlete!”

Jordan A. 14, Basketball

“HOLYYYYYY S@&! this course was mind blowing! There was at least two or three times each class that I would be sitting there and something in my mind would click and things just made so much more sense! I play football and in my position I have to be able to react very quickly and my mind is something I haven’t really worked on much, so this group was super helpful in making me think faster and more accurately. Chris was the man! He totally gets it and knows how to talk to younger athletes in a way that actually makes sense! Stop thinking about it and just sign up for it, you wont regret it!”

Vic A. 19 Football


Mental mastery

online group

Online groups run for 4 weeks at a time and have a specific topic each week.

Topics include: Resilience, Confidence, Performing under pressure, Visualization, Mindfulness, Mental Toughness, Regulating Emotions, Managing Energy, Goal Achievement, Perspective, Positivity, Gratitude, and many other topics

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